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You might find it interesting that Private Man and Frost both have recent posts that echo your concerns here.

From Private Man: A Dilemma for the Man with Charisma

From Frost: Your Game Depends on What You Want

They both agree that if a man really wants a long-term relationship, Game will probably hurt his chances because it attracts the wrong type of woman. (What if a man has no other options but the wrong type of woman? That’s a more difficult question to answer.) Bellita´s last [type] ..Practical Fascination 3

144 Jonas October 23, 2011 at 11:31 am

About the three dates limit and “building comfort in order to have sex”, I would like to recommend the Rollo Tomassi’s post “Wait for it”: http://rationalmale.wordpress.com/2011/09/23/wait-for-it/

Comfort comes from familiarity and predictability; all decidedly anti-seductive influences. And while comfort has it’s own merits in interpersonal relationships, it is not the basis for genuine, passionate sexual desire. For people (myself included) involved in a marriage or LTR, it’s serves our long-term best interest to convince ourselves that sex is better when your comfortable with your partner, however, the reality of it sings a different tune. Here’s an easy illustration: As reported by both men and women alike, which of these circumstances provokes the most intense, memorable sexual experiences ? When a couple plans and arranges a romantic “date night” to ‘keep it fresh’ and reconnect? Or is it the ‘make-up sex’ after a horrible breakup, or narrowly averted breakup, where long dormant competition anxiety is brought back into being a very real possibility again? If you said the breakup, you’re correct! One scenario is comfortable, the other uncomfortable. One has the element of predictable certainty, the other is chaotic and uncertain, however in both situations there is definitely a working mutually connective rapport operating.

145 Badger October 23, 2011 at 11:33 am


“Roosh, in his post You Did This to Me must acknowledge that he went out to bars every night picking up strangers. He didn’t exactly try to meet a girl while jogging around the basin or take a cooking class. His specialty is the hardened carousel rider, that’s his niche. That’s a great way to get laid and a poor way to find any kind of companionship.”

Roosh also just wrote a book about picking up chicks in bookstores, coffee shops, grocery stores and on the street, in many cases basing his openers on a woman’s choice of book or foodstuff.